Nellie Kampmann
In addition to my book, I have a blog by the same name. It covers all topics relating to ghost stories and research. Here's a guide to the articles:
Haunted Places in Columbus
2012 Halloween Events in Columbus - 10/14/12
2014 Central Ohio Ghost Tours and Events - 9/22/14
2015 Central Ohio Ghost Tours and Events - 10/3/15
2017 Central Ohio Ghost Tours and Events - 10/7/17
2018 Columbus Area Ghost Tours and Events - 10/3/2018
Franklin County Poorhouse - Where are the Bodies?!!! - 8/18/11
Halloween Ghost Tours for 2011 - 10/2/11
Harrison House Bed & Breakfast - 5/1/10
Harrison House Bed & Breakfast - Input from the Spirit World - 5/18/10
Historic Dublin Ghost Tours - 6/1/13
Historic Funeral Parlor for Sale in Columbus - 2/3/13 (updated 5/2/14)
I Stand Corrected - 4/27/16
I'm on 10TV Tonight (Nationwide Arena and Arch Park) - 10/27/11
The Jury Room on The Dead Files - 12/14/12
New 2017 Kelton House Ghost Stories - 10/27/2017
New Kelton House Ghost Stories -10/27/16
New Book on Columbus Hauntings - 3/31/13
The Ohio Pen Ghost Tour Oddities - 4/21/16
Review: Buxton Inn Ghost and History Tour - 11/29/18
Scary Ghosts in Columbus? - 1/9/17
Where to Investigate in Central Ohio - 5/16/13
Haunted Places in Ohio
Anna Dean Farm Paracon MS Fundraiser Review (Barberton, OH) - 9/23/13
History and Mystery of Chillicothe Ghost Walk Review - 10/21/13
Haunted Zoar - 5/19/14
New Ohio Haunted History Books - 1/28/13
Old Stagecoach Inn (Diamond, Ohio) - 9/20/15
Prospect Place (Trinway, Ohio) - 8/12/12
A Quick Ghost Story from the Kent Paranormal Weekend - 4/13/15
Wanna Hear a Ghost Story? (Ironton, Ohio) - 5/1/11
Haunted Places Elsewhere
​​​Keighley Mansion and the Paranormal Science Institute (Uniontown, PA) - 7/2/13
My Media Appearances
I'm a Guest on the Four Horsemen Paranormal Radio Show - 10/4/10
I'm on 10TV Tonight (Nationwide Arena and Arch Park) - 10/27/11
Paranormal Investigating - General
Fashion for Paranormal Investigation - 6/14/14
Historic Preservation for Paranormal Investigators - 9/13/11
House Clearing - 2/8/13
How to Work with Museums - 10/16/10
Music Boxes for Paranormal Investigating - 2/18/13
Paranormal Education - 2/1/14
Paranormal Team Website Tips - 8/13/14
Public Ghost Hunt Tips - 5/24/14
Spirit Rescue - 6/23/24
Wallpurgis, and the Devil's Toybox - 4/30/11
Paranormal Investigating - Historical Research
Causes of Death in the First Half of the 20th Century - 4/9/18
Columbus History Reference Books - 4/17/10
Historical Research Tips for Paranormal Investigators - 6/8/11
Historical Research Tips for Paranormal Investigators, Part 2 - 7/23/11
Ten Days in a Mad House - 6/29/11
Paranormal Investigating - Technology and Equipment
How to Make Your Own Paranormal Investigation Equipment, Part 2 - 11/13/11
New Ghost Hunting Technology: Useful Tools or Expensive BS? - 5/12/13
Paranormal Miscellanea
A Short Ghost Story, Maybe - 8/31/15
Beta Blockers and the Paranormal - 6/3/11
Eerie Ghost Story Movies - 10/19/2018
Fairies and Paranormal Research - 1/11/16
Folklore vs. History - 5/27/2010
Folklore vs. History 2: Leatherlips and the Memorial Tournament - 5/3/12
Ghost or Demon? - 6/1/13
Ghosts I Have Seen - 8/3/16
Green Lawn Cemetery A Short History Tour - 10/23/11
Haunted Cutlery - 11/10/11
Haunted Photograph - 9/23/13
How to Choose a Paranormal Group to Investigate Your Home - 5/15/12
I Finally Saw a Ghost!!! - 5/22/11
I was Feeling Gorey-esque One Day - 10/19/11
Madeleine's Ghost and the French 500 - 7/10/16
My Adventures as a Psychic Detective - 8/27/10
Myths About Mediums - 11/19/11
One of My Favorite Ghost Stories (Delaware County, Ohio) - 10/21/11
The Psychic Double Standard - 10/12/13
Psychics in the Closet - 7/3/16
Skepticism and Common Sense - 6/29/16
Spirit Expeditions Ghost Tour Review - 3/22/14
Spirit Photograph? -4/28/12
Want to Become a Paranormal Investigator? Just Do It! - 8/21/11
The Whistling Cider Bottle - 9/10/16
Paranormal TV Reviews
The Dead Files TV Review - 9/24/11
Detective Anna - 3/19/18
Houdini & Doyle - 7/2/16
Paranormal Witness TV Review - 9/9/11
Quick Note on Haunted Encounters - 3/3/14
Paranormal Challenge TV Review - 6/25/11